We're getting great reviews!
“The engagement was very powerful and meaningful. Students were able to hear from current and retired police officers about what it’s like being a cop and had very candid conversations with the officers around humanizing everyone in the process of empathetic policing, citizenship, and meaningful engagements with each other in the community. Our school community and the local police community had engaging discussions around authority, power, rights, discretion, profiling, judgement, good vs bad, right vs wrong. The students were able to engage with the officers in a positive way up close and personal, learning about their policies, procedures, decisions, systems, tools and vehicles.”
— Nga Warren
Assistant Principal, Transit Tech Career and Technical Education High School -
“After the CPPO’s presentation, we had a meeting to debrief with the young people that attended, and the feedback was so amazing that I walked out inspired. The student responses included “That was lit”, “I hope they come back”, “I learned so much”, “I never thought about how cops feel” and “those brothers care.”
— Hayward L. Alfred, Jr.
Teacher, Valley Stream Central High School -
“Part of your organizations mission is to heal the divide between local communities of color and police in NYC, and I believe the time you spent with our students did exactly that. Not only did they walk away with a greater sense of the responsibilities and complexities of being a police officer, but they also walked away with feeling a personal connection to the officers that were there. Many of the students mentioned that this was one of the first times they realized that all policers were not bad, and that they understand the importance of police officers in the community, and how they just like everyone else just want to get home safely to their families.”
— Jermaine Lewis
Principal, M.S. 935 -
“We spent three hours together and our experience with the organization provided many insightful strategies and explanations to our students of how law enforcement thinks and why they conduct themselves the way they do. The presenters themselves were professional and appropriate with our students and made an immediate impression on them when they spoke. Our students were engaged from the onset of the presentation until the end. The presenters shared vital and valuable information with our students. Often, their minds are filled with information they see or hear about through the media, creating a negative perspective and building ignorance. Without knowing the whole story, it breeds contempt with young people. This presentation provided clarity on many topics addressed that day, giving our students insight and perspective they did not have previously.”
— Mathew Pearson
Assistant Principal, Central High School -
“The presentation was insightful, organized and well received. I have been in education in various capacities for the past twenty-five years and this was one of best presentations that I have witnessed or had the pleasure to be a part of. It is very difficult to captivate and keep the attention of teenagers for an extended period.”
— Hayward L. Alfred, Jr.
Teacher, Valley Stream Central High School -
“The afternoon was not just a moment of healing between the NYPD and our students. It also served as a moment of inspiration. A number of the students even walked away expressing their interest in becoming a police officer one day.”
— Jermaine Lewis
Principal, M.S. 935